Yoga is one of the most common forms of exercise for overweight beginners. It's also an excellent way to improve flexibility, balance, and concentration. It can be hard to know where to start if you're new to yoga or haven't done it in a while. Luckily, we are here to help you with our guide of the best yoga for overweight beginners! Scroll down to start!
How Often Should You Do Yoga?
One of the best ways to get started with yoga is by practicing it regularly. You can do this as much or a few times daily, depending on your schedule and goals!
It might take years for your body to adapt, and it’s also possible that some poses will feel uncomfortable at first, but with regular practice, they become more natural over time! Also, regular practice helps you be more focused and relaxed both physically and mentally!
Besides, as a beginner doesn't mean you should start with your limitations. You need commitment and motivation. It's best if those come from within yourself rather than outside sources like instructors or critics who don’t know what is required for success in this discipline of exercise/art form.
Yoga will only enrich those who do practice regularly by filling up their hearts so they can achieve whatever desires there are through hard work, determination, and dedication.
Yoga For Overweight Beginners: 11 Best Yoga Poses
All of these Yoga poses for overweight beginners require only basic equipment - Yourself and a yoga mat! Read on to learn yoga for fat people!
Cat Pose
The first name on the instruction of yoga for obese is cat pose!
After having your four limbs on the floor, arch your back and exhale deeply in order to achieve this yoga posture. Imagine that you're a cat and arch your back. Stretch the muscles in your back, then gently push out with both hands.
Cow Pose
The cow pose must go alongside the cat pose! Put your hands and knees on the ground, your hand should be lower than your shoulders, and the hips need to be kept apart!
Round the back, tighten up all the muscles in your abdomen. Start by raising it as if there is a rope pulling upwards on the stomach- Inhale deeply while doing so, then exhale outwards throughout each repetition of breath (and movement).
Tree Pose
This pose is perfect for those who are just starting to get into yoga and would like some balance training. You should stand with both feet shoulder-width apart and keep the weight on one foot while reaching outwards with another, alternating each time you perform this move for best results!
In this pose, you can decide to raise your hands up in the sky or keep them at heart. Gently bend your left knee and prop it in, keeping the right standing for balance.
Bridge Pose
Lie on your back, then bend both your knees. Please ensure that the position of the heels is behind the buttocks!
Then, lift up the whole body by your core without the help of your hand! You do not need to use the arm strength to lift up! Keep this pose in 20 seconds!
Half lord Of The Fishes
This yoga for plus size beginners is perfect for helping with body posture and allows you to decompress your spine!
Lie down on the ground and then twist your body to the left. The elbow should be placed on top of the outside knee.
Pigeon Pose
Sitting at a desk all day is bad for your hips. It tightens up our muscles and makes it hard to move around without pain! Start by sitting down on the mat and spreading your legs apart. With the left leg bent in front of you and held between your thighs, lean forward so that it is easier for both hands to reach down.
The pigeon pose is a fantastic drill for beginners. It makes your hips flexible and improves how well you can do certain poses, making this an essential starting position when it comes time to work on flexibility!
Stand straight with your hands at shoulder height and keep them there while the heels are spread apart. Next, spread and lift the feet balls and your toes.
Put all your weight on the feet after lifting. This will help activate and maintain blood flow in this area of the body! Rotate your thighs and keep them firm to help you achieve the pose.
When you inhale, let your head bow forward and feel the air enter through your nose. Strengthen the neck and broaden the collar bone! Allow your whole body to stay in one straight line.
Warrior II
It is time to get those legs in shape! As a beginner, this pose will help you figure out where and how much pressure should be applied. It also tones up the hip area, which can sometimes feel sluggish when we're sitting at desks all day long!
Stand with your feet, then let the front foot point forward. Yet, remember to let your back foot be at an angle of 90 degrees! Bending your knee at 90 degrees as well. Next, you must keep your hips squared towards the direction of the back foot.
Chair Pose
Stand with your feet apart and stretch your arms up high. When you are ready, bend the knees and inhale while pushing down on the ground as if sitting.
Keep your spine straight and hands at shoulder height. Your back should remain neutral, and shoulders square while maintaining a stable pose that ensures you don't slouch or bend forward from the waist (which would put a strain on the lower back). Ensure no movement occurs in knees as well; keep them aligned with toes for maximum stability!
Downward Facing Pose
This pose allows the flow of breath and energy to move through your body. It stretches out hamstrings, chest, and spine as well, making it easier than ever before!
You should stand with your heels on the mat and raise an arm up. Next, bend your head and maintain a stable pose.
With your hands held forward and legs straight, raise hips while pressing heels down. Then, take a deep breath and let your head hang loose.
Child Pose
The last name in the instructions of weight loss yoga for beginners is the child pose! It improves mental, emotional, and physical vitality.
Slowly bend at the knees and sit with your heels on the mat! Keep the hips on your heels, bend down as if you are about to take a dive. Raise hands in front, so they're close by, and keep them there! Following that, inhale while pressing your chest and thighs together.
The end.
Yoga is a great way to get in shape and feel more energized. It’s also a gentle, low-impact exercise that can be done anytime with no equipment required--you just need your mat! The only two requirements to get your goal through yoga are patience and daily practice! Hopefully, this post provides you with all the information you need on yoga for overweight beginners!